Phase Domain Induced Polarization - Resistivity Instruments
L and R Instruments designs and sells portable Resistivity Meters and Induced Polarization Instruments for geophysical applications. These high quality lightweight instruments are designed and built for rugged environments; they are affordable and easy to use, yet highly sophisticated.
Ultra Mini-Res
GPS Ultra Mini-Res
Resistivity & Induced Polarization
GPS time stamp

Light weight - Water tight
Rugged Design for use in field surveys
Field Applications:
Shallow Groundwater
Contaminated Plumes
Geologic Structure
Depth to Bedrock
Locate Fractures
Electrical Grounding
L and R Instruments, Inc.
P O Box 5989, Incline Village, NV 89450, USA
Phone 775-833-1212 FAX 775-833-2388
New Orders
Upgrades and Customer Service
Whether you would like to order a new Ultra Mini-Res, upgrade an instrument that you already own, or talk to us about your specific needs or instrument, we are here to find solutions with you!
Contact L and R Instruments:
L and R Instruments, Inc.
P O Box 5989,
Incline Village, NV 89450, USA
Phone: 775-833-1212
FAX: 775-833-2388